Via di Villa Bianca, 15
53045 Montepulciano (Siena)
There should be a synergy among the earth and all living beings, including humans. In Salcheto we try to respect this relationship on a daily basis, while maintaining a balance with nature, through agricultural practices and processes of sustainable transformation in the wine cellar. This approach includes non–invasive methods of cultivation of biodynamic and organic types, as well as the continued protection of water and energy resources.

In substance, our goal is to work in respect of the environment to create the ultimate expression of quality and authenticity in our wines. In this spirit, we hope to bring romance and passion to the science of producing good wine, weaving deep–rooted traditions with modern technologies. This is the challenge of a lifetime, like ours, that we want to take very seriously, or at least as serious as passionate young winemakers could do.

And putting the wine aside just for a moment, we would like to shed light on the history of Salco, our most important vineyard that has become a label. The term, in the ancient Tuscan language, means “willow”, while Salcheto is the name of the creek that runs through our land. Along its course, once a large number of willow trees grew, whose branches were used to tie the vines. We have started to replant willows in areas of the estate are not suitable for viticulture and we will use their wood to warm up, with the intent to create an eco–friendly system within the company that is 100% energy independent.