Via Madonnina, 33
38045 Civezzano (Trento)
Maso Cantanghel is a small but significant winemaking business in Trentino. It is located at the foot of the chain of Lagorai on the Trento hills. The environment is of medium–to–high hill (about 460 meters above sea level) where it is located, the nature of the soil and the favorable exposure combined with an optimal thermal situation, are natural elements that have allowed us to develop a high–quality viticulture.

This is combined with a rational winemaking technique, land development, the selection of clones and rootstocks, the type of farming, a scrupulous and careful winemaking technology.

Currently, the surface area cultivated with vines of ​​Maso Cantanghel is of 5 hectares, the winery is set in an old Austrian fort of 1868 rich in charm and of undeniable historical interest. Built between 1868 and 1876 on the road of Valsugana, it was part of a fortified complex aimed to close the access to Trento from the east. In fact, it was a "tagliata" (road interruption) of the only way since the early years of the twentieth century. Here, the Altinate branch of the Roman road Claudia Augusta passed. It was renovated before World War I and later became a powder keg. Today it houses the cellar of the farm melting in it a centuries–old history and a great interest in the preservation of Trentino’s typicality.