Via Stelvio, 128
23030 Chiuro (Sondrio)
The company was founded in 1925 by Aldo Rainoldi, son of Giuseppe, already established at that time as a trader/exporter of wines and agricultural products in the nearby Switzerland.
In the early 70s the Aldo Rainoldi Wine House knew a flourishing time characterized by the development of foreign markets with wines that are the result both of a careful selection in the vineyard, and of a refined knowledge of winemaking technique. Currently, the company is located in Chiuro, the real heart of the wine production in the valley, and continues to be focused on the efforts of the Rainoldi family. The company, in addition to producing grapes from the vineyards of its property, collaborates with a dense network of small vinegrowers constantly monitored by a trusted technician, which allow it to produce 200,000 bottles per year.