Consorzio di Tutela e Valorizzazione Doc Terre Dell'alta Val D'agri

Via Grumentina, 118 - Villa d'Agri
85050 Marsicovetere (Potenza)
The Consortium is the story of some small wineries in the D’Agri Valley who wanted to take up the challenge of preserving and enhancing the tradition which has so far remained private and exclusive heritage of the peasants.

In 2002, soon gained recognition of the DOC of the area, these winemakers in the Valley wanted to start as a free enterprise a Consortium for the Protection and Development in order to represent the highest institution for the protection of quality, to promote in an organic and systematic way the already recognized wine, and self–discipline by establishing the essential criteria to protect the wine of this extraordinary area.

Today the consortium has 14 members but many others are on the verge of joining, organizing for bottling or for the conferment of grapes.


Consorzio di Tutela e Valorizzazione Doc Terre Dell'alta Val D'agri

Consorzio di Tutela e Valorizzazione Doc Terre Dell'alta Val D'agri