Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Via Bore Chienti Villa San Filippo
62015 Monte San Giusto (Macerata)
The winemaking tradition of the Santori family was founded in 1960.

It continues now in the hills of the true Marca of Corridonia and Villa San Filippo, Monte San Giusto, lands open to the winds, long views, varied, sunlight in the morning and light after sunset.

Thirteen hectares of long rows towards south where the Santori try to create a vineyard that ripens in grapes the emotion of a sensory profile recognizable for cleanliness, integrity, elegance.

The Santori wines come from an idea to do a snall amount of wine and do it well.

In the wine cellar, in addition to technological excellence there is the pleasure of making time work, which is the most expensive but less often used. Time is the basis of the know–how of the Santori wine.

The Santori wines are a tradition, a work of years, between countryside and winery, between eye and taste, between beautiful and good.


  • santori mara
  • azienda vitivinicola
  • vini
  • marche rosso
  • bianco
  • rosato
  • sfuso
  • rebis
  • eris
  • monte san giusto


Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara

Azienda Vitivinicola Santori Mara