Piazza 8 Luoghi, 36
18036 Soldano (Imperia)
Soldano is a municipality in the Ponente Ligure area on the shores of the stream Verbone, which gives the name to this small valley. The area of ​​Galeae, where the Ka’ Manciné company produces one of its most important wines, was considered one of the prisons of that time, where detainees were deported and left to themselves, hence the name. It is located about 400 meters above sea level in a natural amphitheater with south east position. In front, on top of a hill, the vineyard Beragna stands, the most historic vineyard of the company, dating back to 1876, with its ancient stocks of Rossese di Dolceacqua, supported even today by its old "scarasse": support poles normally used in the vineyard. It is here where the Anfosso dei Mancinei family fulfilled his most beautiful dream, to give life back to what, in past times, the founder of Mancinei had created through hardships that are unimaginable today. The Manciné name derives from Anfosso Pietro who, being left–handed in fact, was distinguished from the various Pietro in town. To the name, the word KA’ was added, meaning "house", with the use of "K" that commemorates the history of the Saracen and the modern age in which we live. In this land, where for centuries vines have been cultivated, Rossese stems, called in 1972 Rossese di Dolceacqua owing its name to the most representative, but not the most important, village. One of the strongest villages from the qualitative and quantitative point of view was Soldano.