C.da Moganazzi
95012 Castiglione di Sicilia (Catania)
Pietradolce was founded in 2005, and finds its place in Solicchiata, part of the municipality of Castiglione di Sicilia, on the North–east slope of Mount Etna. The vineyard covers 10 hectares, between 600 and 800 meters of altitude, and is divided into three plots of land, each falling in a different district: Marchesa, Moganazzi, and Chiusa Spagnolo.

We chose to grow only native vines of Etna, trained largely with the traditional “ad alberello” (bush–vine) method. The choice derived from a deep conviction that this is what the territory that hosts us requires. Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Cappuccio and Carricante are and will be the main protagonists of our story.

Our wine is fruit of our land even before than that of our hands. For this reason, it clearly represents the soul of the volcano on whose slopes it comes to life. Our work is aimed to preserve intact this soul in all its liveliness.