C.da Racalmare
92020 Grotte (Agrigento)
All over these years we have worked hard to build something and to grow entrepreneurially, trying to smooth out not only the natural difficulties that this land presents, but also the operational challenges that small and very small plots of land, scattered within a radius of 30 km around Grotte and determining hither and thither the many boundaries of the 200 hectares of our estate, require every day.

When we started, we were aware of the sacrifices that were waiting for us, today we are proud of those sacrifices, because we were able, humbly, to embrace the hard work of the land and to interpret the world of wine without getting too excited, including ourselves in that new generation of Sicilians that did not want to emigrate abandoning their origins, but that tried to confront life to help to change a bit their land.

For us, the only important thing are those customers who esteem and respect us for the product that we offer every year; they are the most important thing we have and we know that only through them we can continue to do the winemakers here in Grotte, in the south of Sicily.