A real boom that will also push up the sales of Italian whites, reds and rosés: «In 2024 a greater percentage of wine exports than in 2023 is influenced by tourism in Italy: the ambassadors of Italian wine abroad continue to be the tourists themselves", declared Edoardo Freddi on the basis of the qualitative research carried out by the EDOARDO FREDDI INTERNATIONAL Observatory on the export trends of Italian wines in the world in the years 2023 and 2024 . After a 2023 to forget due to climate change and wars (decrease in value of 7.3% and 4.4% in the export volumes of Italian wines in the five main importing countries, namely the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan according to the UIV), the export of white and red wines restarted in the first quarter of 2024 with some positive numbers and totaled, according to data certified by Istat, 5.8% in volumes and 7 % in values (over 2.5 billion euros). But the light at the end of the tunnel is still far away. The success of the first months, especially January and February, was almost entirely due to requests from Russia. From next May the new excise duties on alcohol will be introduced and therefore Russian distributors have preferred to anticipate future cost increases by stocking up on wines, primarily Italian ones. More or less the same reasoning can be done for Japan, the other major buyer of Italian wines at the beginning of 2024. In fact, here too a law, in this case it is a reform of freight road transport which will impose a lowering of maximum working hours for truck drivers and couriers, convinced the Japanese to import much more wine. However, some glimmers of hope began to be seen, partly for the red wines for which 2023 had truly been an 'annus horribilis', but above all for the whites and in particular for the bubbles which in the first three months of 2024 recorded 7.3% by volume (Uiv). According to the latest Mediobanca report, an increase of 6.8% is expected in 2024 compared to 2023 in the export of this type of wine. "White wines and bubbles will remain the most exported throughout the summer of 2024 - declared Edoardo Freddi - Foreign tourists love to consume these wines in farmhouses and hotels between dinners and aperitifs when they come to Italy for holidays and then not if they forget them when they return to their own country, a further consideration is made, namely the increase in the consumption of low alcohol wines which is a growing trend in Italy, but not only, and therefore wines such as Pinot Grigio, Timorasso, Vermentino and Trebbiano d'Abruzzo attract more and more." According to the _National Observatory of Wine Tourism_ today the value of wine tourism in Italy is worth 2.9 billion euros compared to 2.5 in 2023 (16%). For Edoardo Freddi "In the summer of 2024 the number of foreign tourists who will come to visit our splendid cities and eat in our restaurants will grow and therefore despite a period that is anything but rosy for exports in general, the percentage will increase, compared to the summer of 2023, of the influence of tourism on the export of Italian wines. According to an estimate by our Observatory, in 2024 at least 34% of exports will be influenced by tourism", declared Edoardo Freddi CEO of Edoardo Freddi International, a company. leader in the export of Italian wine in the world.
But here are the most exported wines this summer in various countries around the world, according to the EDOARDO FREDDI INTERNATIONAL Observatory:
White wines :
Prosecco (Veneto)
Main market: UK
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Prosecco in general was 48%
average growth in volume of Prosecco in general was 35.6%
Asti Spumante (Piedmont)
Main market: Russia
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Asti wines in general was 41.2%
average growth in volume of Asti wines in general was 29%
Trebbiano (Abruzzo)
Main market: Germany
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Trebbiano in general was 15%
average growth in volume of Trebbiano in general was 7.5%
Pinot Bianco (Trentino Alto Adige)
Main market: USA
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Pinot Blanc in general was 13%
average volume growth of Pinot Blanc in general was 6%
Classic Method (Northern Italy)
Main market: Switzerland
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of the classic method in general was 8%
average growth in volume of the classic method in general was 3.5%
Vermentino (Sardinia)
Main market: USA and Germany
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Vermentino in general was 8%
average growth in volume of Vermentino in general was 4.2%
Timorasso (Piedmont)
Main market: USA, Canada and UK
Trend (June-July 2024 vs June-July 2023):
average growth in value of Timorasso in general was 7%
average growth in volume of Timorasso in general was 3%