V. Grevigiana 50/A
50026 Firenze (Firenze)
Why Il Gallo Giallo? Because it comes from the tradition of two genuine and modest families who cooked with produce grown in the garden below their house and drank the juice of their vineyards.

Our will is to bring to the table food as at home, and stay in the company of our guests as friends around the tables of the past.

We grew up with many people around the table. Homegrown food and company have always been a cult in our homes. In the vigil evening, between a chat and another, we shelled peas and intertwined garlic, and when there were zucchini flowers, we gathered them to find them, ten minutes after, steaming and crispy on our plates.

It was all fun, that over time became a passion for good and healthy cooking.


Osteria Il Gallo Giallo

Osteria Il Gallo Giallo

Osteria Il Gallo Giallo

Osteria Il Gallo Giallo