
It is a French noun that means wine merchant. Actually a négociant is the one who, after having bought the wine from the cellars or small producers, sells it adding his name.


It is big size of 15 liters, equivalent to 20 bottles of 0.75 liters. It is used especially for bottles of Champagne.


An excessively sweet wine is considered nauseating. This adjective is mostly used to describe dessert wines like Moscato, which do not have enough acidity.


It is a very fine vine producing wines for aging of the highest quality especially for the completeness of all its characteristics; in effect is presents a good balance of colour, body, acidity,Â…

Nero d’Avola

Known also as "Calabrese", it is one of the most renowned Sicilian wines. The vine owes its name on the one hand to the typical colour of the berry which is precisely black and, on the other hand,Â…


It is a kind of high quality oak from the region around the French city of Nevers. When it is employed either in barrels both for fermenting and/or maturing the wine, it imparts a characteristicÂ…

New oak

Term that indicates barriques in their first year of use. The oenologists who want to give wooden flavours to the wine reject the barriques used for more than four years, because the interior isÂ…

New World

It is a term used to characterize and compare the wines of the Old World (Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Mediterranean basin) to those of the New World (Australia, New Zealand, the USA, SouthÂ…

Noble rot

See Botrytis cinerea.

Noble vines

A unique class of vines, which produce some of the wines of the highest quality in the vineyards around the world: eg: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc,Â…

Noble wine

Noble wines are the best of the best. Their aim is a perfect harmony between elegance, balance and complexity.

Non–vintage (NV)

If a wine or a Champagne is done with more than a vintage (to say that it is a cut of wines of different vintages), it is called "non–vintage", since the majority is not necessarily composed of a…


The complex of odorous sensations revealed by the wine during the tasting. With nose sometimes we mean the combination of aroma and bouquet and describes every smell that wine gives.

Not balanced

A wine is defined not balanced when presents an overabundance of a component or the lack of another (for example, too much alcohol and not enough tannins)

Not filtered

An oenologist can sometimes choose not to filter a wine if he considers that this operation will take away character or complexity to it. In effect, although filtering is one of the easiest andÂ…

Not refined

As in the case of filtration and centrifugation, the refinery has detractors, who believe that wine can instead acquire clarity naturally.


Wine of the most recent harvest to be consumed preferably within six months from the date of marketing, obtained with the technique of carbonic maceration (Veronelli).