Via Camillo Bianchi, 8 Conegliano - TV
31015 Conegliano (Treviso)
Amorim Cork Italy, based in Conegliano (Treviso), the Italian branch of the Amorim Group, confirmed itself as the country's market leader in 2018. With its 42 employees and a sales force of 35 agents, in 2018 it recorded over 590,000,000 caps sold for a growing turnover of 62 million euros (almost 8% compared to 2017). Its leadership is due to a solid technical-commercial network distributed throughout the peninsula, an effective pre and post sales assistance service but also at the forefront of its production and management systems and above all of its Research & Development department, to which a strong sensitivity is associated for the protection of the environment and in particular for the protection of cork forests. The look to the future sees an increasingly solid alliance between Technology and Nature, with important results also in terms of social sustainability: with the Ethical project, Amorim Cork Italia has in fact completed the first virtuous circle of the whole nation, creating a grain for green building generated by used caps and collected by non-profit organizations that join the initiative and receive a contribution from the company for their projects. With the Eticork initiative, on the other hand, it has introduced a recognition for wineries that assume virtuous attitudes in their daily activities.


Amorim Cork

Amorim Cork

Foresta di Sughera

Foresta di Sughera

Foresta di Sughera

Foresta di Sughera

Tappi Naturali

Tappi Naturali



Carlos Santos Ad Amorim Cork Italia

Carlos Santos Ad Amorim Cork Italia