Via Regina Elena, 110
87054 Rogliano (Cosenza)
AnticheVigne is located in the heart of the Savuto Valley and of Calabria, or Enotria, as it was called in ancient times, the land where grapes are grown and wine is produced ...

The company, since its foundation in 2004, has had the goal to achieve the quality of production thanks to techniques capable of producing a typical and optimal D.O.C. wine, using the grapes from the region, such as sweet Magliocco, locally known as Arvino, Greco Nero, Pecorello and Malvasia, the main actors of the quality of the wine. Productive research consistently aims to experiment new technological aspects that affect the most modern agricultural techniques and novelties in the wine scene. Currently, the company has a surface area of 14 hectares in production, located in the municipalities of Marzi, Altilia and Carpanzano.

The company produces four lines:

Savuto Rosso Classico: made from the typical varieties Magliocco (Arvino), Greco Nero, Pecorello and Malvasia. After a long fermentation, it is left to mature in the winery for a year to preserve the taste of natural things. Experts will know to appreciate a light sediment on the bottom of the bottle.

Savuto Rosso Superiore: from the union between the native grapes Magliocco (Arvino), Greco Nero, Pecorello and Malvasia, Savuto Superiore is made. The wine obtained is aged in oak barrels and in the bottle for at least 2 years.

Rosato Gida: it is created from the native grape varieties Magliocco and Greco Nero del Savuto. It is vinified traditionally making drain the crushed grapes.

Bianco Terra di Ginestre: the result of an accurate selection of the best native white grapes of Savuto: Greco, Mantonico, Pecorello.


Antiche Vigne

Antiche Vigne