However, the prospects are less rosy according to the previews of national wine export data for the first half of 2023 : surveying the top ten destination markets (top buyers) in volume of still wine in bottles, Istat highlights double-digit reductions for exports to the United States and Canada, among the main buyers in the world, while only Russia remains in positive territory. Overall, the decline in exports of bottled still wines is expected to be around -9%, while sparkling wines show greater decreases (-13%).
These are the main data that emerge from the report "The wine sector of Veneto" created by the experts of the Agri-Food Economic Observatory and published on the Veneto Agricoltura website, which contains information on surfaces, production and above all exports of wine produced in the Veneto region.
Going into detail on what the focus of the report is, i.e. the analysis of data on wine exports , coming from Istat-Coeweb sources and the Veneto Region , it must be said that, compared to a quantity sold equal to approximately 7, 9 million hectoliters of wine, which also constitutes a record as regards the volumes of wine exported , but whose annual increase was only 0.4%, yet another surge in turnover is almost entirely due to the decisive increase of the average selling price , which in 2022 rose to 3.60 euros/kg, showing growth of 13.4% compared to the previous year.
The majority of Venetian wine exports in value are represented by bottled still wines (52.2% of the total), which generated a value of approximately 1.48 billion euros (9.8% per year), generated by a slight increase in quantities sold across borders (approximately 3.95 million hectoliters recorded, 1%), compared to a more significant increase in the average sales price which, in the last year, for still wine in bottles went to 3 .75 euro/kg (8.8%).
Another very significant share of exported wine, equal to 43.9% of the total, is made up of sparkling wines which have been on the rise in the last ten years as, in this period of time, they have increased their market share by over 20%. percentage points to the detriment of still wines. The quantities of sparkling wines exported from Veneto in 2022 are close to 3 million hectoliters (6% compared to the previous year). The annual growth in exported value was much higher, recording a new record of takings, equal to almost 1.25 billion euros (19.8%). The average sales price recorded in 2022 stood at 4.17 euros/kg and with an annual increase of 13.1%.
Analyzing which are the main destination countries for Veneto wine shipped abroad, the top three countries in the ranking, in terms of sales value , are the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom , which account for approximately 51% of the turnover.
The first world market for purchases of Veneto wine is represented by the United States, which alone represents 22.6% of total regional exports, with over 641 million euros and an increase in purchases of 138% in the last decade. ,9%. Germany, however, is in second place in the ranking, with around 449 million euros (15.8% of the total) and 36.4% compared to 2013, even though it represents the first country for imports of our still wine in bottle. More decisive, however, was the increase recorded in the decade by the United Kingdom (52.6%) which, although remaining in third place, saw its market share on the total decrease in the period by 2.2 percentage points.
In terms of volume , however, Germany is in first place for purchases of Veneto wine, with 1.64 million hectoliters (-0.5% compared to 2021), leaving behind the USA (1.43 million hectoliters, 5.1%) and the United Kingdom (1.11 million hectoliters, -8.2%). Overall, these three countries purchase 4.18 million hectoliters of Veneto wine, which represents approximately 53% of the total volumes of wine exported abroad from our region. Further behind are Canada (0.31 million hectolitres), Austria (0.29 million hl) and France (0.27 million hl).
The latest data on national wine exports , updated to the first quarter of 2023 , estimate a total turnover for Italy of approximately 1.8 billion euros (3.8% compared to the same period of the previous year), due largely due to the increase in average sales prices, in light of the drop in quantities. In this context, Veneto remains at the top of the ranking of the major wine exporters at a national level, with a share of just over 35% of the national total. However, with approximately 627 million euros, Veneto presents lower growth than the Italian one (3% net compared to the first quarter of 2022). However, both Emilia-Romagna (9.9%) and Trentino/Alto Adige (8.9%) recorded greater growth.