Prosecco DOC is officially on the desks of the Shanghai Trade School

A module of 14 hours dedicated to Prosecco Doc included in the study’s curriculum of thousands of young members who yearn to become professionals of catering and hôtellerie. These are the terms of the agreement signed with the Shanghai Trade School.

"China is a market with a high still untapped potential – Kar Mein Lim, Sommelier of the best known and valued in China, says – there is need to train new professionals of the world of wine, because the demand for qualified personnel is in strong growth in our country. It is not true that the Chinese love only red wine: they know it more thanks to the French campaigns. Personally I love the freshness of Prosecco to the point that I would drink it for breakfast, lunch and dinner".

The module dedicated to Prosecco DOC includes lessons on the territory of origin, production methods, tasting techniques and study of combinations of Prosecco DOC with Chinese dishes.

"To raise awareness of our country through a wine. To make appreciate a wine through the territory that expresses it. This is the work we are doing as a Consortium – the Chairman Stefano Zanette says – Our Designation, that includes 9 beautiful Provinces of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, is an area incredibly rich in beautiful landscapes, treasures of art and culture and manifestations of human genius of invaluable worth. The message that has to be spread is that the term Prosecco designates a territory, a geographical area and not a vine. In China like elsewhere in the world".

The project will begin with the next school year and, according to the statements of Cao Guoyu, General Manager of the Shanghai Trade School government school, will have a "very long duration".