In the Modena area Lambrusco wine is produced according to the Eu experimentation that reduces the environmental impact

To reduce water consumption, environmental impact and costs: those are the many advantages of the use of modern eco–technologies introduced in the Lambrusco lands. The technologies are the result of the experiments within the European Eco–innovation project coordinated by the French Institute of Vine and Wine, which the Province of Modena joined.

What does this mean Eco–innovation in Modena ?

The European project, run by the French Institute of Vine and Wine, lasted 30 months and cost over a million Euros, was co–financed at 50% by the European Eco–innovation programme and involved eleven partners from France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Italy. The Province of Modena participated with three wineries:

– one is that of the course of enology at the University of Bologna, managed by the private center for research and innovation Astra, which has tested red and white wines,

– the second is a small producer of wine in bottles, mostly Lambrusco (Cavicchioli),

– the third is that of a co–operative of 1,200 producers, the Winery of Carpi and Sorbara.

The benefits for the wineries in the Modena area: the two eco–technologies

The wineries of Modena have introduced a new production process that uses two new and efficient eco–technologies:

– the use of a particular type of filter for wine (BERGEROW – BECO PAD). «Unlike traditional filters – Paola Siragusa, coordinator of EU projects in the Province of Modena, explains – this does not create pollution but ends up in the compost reducing from 29% to 67% water consumption and decreasing from 72% to 91% losses of wine, during the filtration process».

– the use of INOXPA, on the other hand, has solved the problem of washing tubes used for decanting wine.

«To clean them normally needs a lot of water – Siragusa says – and you waste a lot of wine. But with this eco–technology, which employs a kind of ball that moves inside the tubes dragging away the liquid, we were able to cut water consumption from 70% to 98% and to recover from 97% to 99% of the wine that often remains wasted inside the pipes».

Source: Ansa