In fact, there are 12 people with mental illness who are following rehabilitation courses at the Club Itaca Palermo and 10 minors, aged between 11 and 16, in conditions of social and economic vulnerability who follow the educational and recreational activities of the Yolk association , the beneficiaries of this theoretical and practical learning path, aimed at acquiring knowledge and techniques mainly concerning sustainable agriculture, marketing and communication of agricultural products and sales and marketing techniques. The approach to sensitive and current issues, such as those related to sustainability, will therefore evolve into an opportunity for professional autonomy.
Employee technicians of the wineries that are members of the SOStain Sicilia Foundation, such as marketing and communication experts, agronomists, salespeople, hospitality workers, sustainability managers, will transfer their know-how: how to learn how to cultivate and create a vegetable garden, following the principles and the rules of sustainable agriculture with low environmental impact, how to implement a marketing and communication strategy that gives visibility to the project, how to manage a store and an e-commerce site.
In fact, the project foresees another phase, in the following 6 months, which will continue with the setting up of an organic garden, the planning of marketing actions useful for the amplification of the project and the management of a retreat point in Villa Adriana and traveling markets for the sale of agricultural products.
“ We are very proud to have managed to give substance to what used to be a dream : - comments Alberto Tasca , President of the SOStain Sicily Foundation - to make the SOStain Sicily Foundation the engine of change, with positive effects not only on the environment, but also on the community and society. I thank all the SOStain companies that have voluntarily donated the time of their collaborators to the competent training of vulnerable subjects, in order to create the conditions for access to work and promote professional autonomy. Agriculture, if well valued, can become an opportunity for social innovation for the whole territory, creating new scenarios of inclusion ”.
“ As a Foundation we are pleased to be alongside this social farming project in the Palermo area ”, comments Maurizio Devescov i, General Manager of Allianz SpA and President of the Allianz UMANA MENTE Foundation. “ We have decided to support "EduSOStain" to help achieve the objectives of work inclusion and active participation through the use of a methodology based on training and social agriculture, because we are convinced that social sustainability must be able to look above all at the community that territory ”.
“ The EduSostain project is an important opportunity for redemption and fulfillment for our members. - say the managers of the Ithaca Palermo Project - The activities are in fact functional to offer knowledge and skills that can be used in the labor market, in a constantly expanding commercial sector. For us, the objective is to activate social inclusion internships in the sector aimed at promoting integration into the world of work ”. " In the fight against educational inequalities - conclude the leaders of the Yolk association - we believe that environmental education is one of the founding pillars of our time. Offering skills in this area is precious and essential to support girls and boys so that they can build a future sustainable and increasingly tailored to them ."