The Consorzio di Tutela Vini Doc Sicilia and the Central Inspectorate for the protection of the quality and repression of fraud of agro-food products (ICQRF) have signed an experimentation protocol aimed at verifying the presence of phosphites in BIO wine and researching the causal determinants of the residues of phosphonic and / or ethyl-phosphonic acid.

The Consortium also coordinates the execution of the experimentation thanks to three important Sicilian companies - Colomba Bianca, Feudo Arancio and Settesoli - which will provide samples of leaves, bunches and wines to be subjected to laboratory analysis. The samples will be taken in several phenological phases of the vineyard until the grapes are ripe and in the cellar, during the vinification and aging of the wines.
"For the entire organic wine chain - underlines Giacomo Gagliano, director of the ICQRF Laboratory in Catania - the experimentation protocol represents a matter of great importance and will be an essential element for planning future productions. In fact, MIPAAF Decree n. 7264 of 10 July 2020 establishes more restrictive thresholds for these metabolites but grants a transitional period, until 31 December 2022, within which biological operators and control bodies will have to adapt existing procedures ".
The presence of residues of phosphonic and / or ethyl-phosphonic acid in organic wine can originate from the application of technical means regularly admitted in organic farming and oenological adjuvants allowed in the production of organic wine, but with significant residues with respect to the new phosphonate legislation or of fosetil derivatives, as well as for the improper use of defense products and fertilizers intended for conventional agriculture, as well as many other causes not yet fully known.
The protocol was signed by the president of the Consorzio Doc Sicilia Antonio Rallo and by the director of the ICQRF Laboratory Giacomo Gagliano, on the occasion of the 26th Enosimposio di Assoenologi Sicilia, held on 8 and 9 July in Campofelice di Roccella (PA) with the theme " Organic wine: technical, regulatory and market aspects ".
