This is the aim of the University School of Master Wine Tasters of ONAV Nazionale (SUMAV) hosted by Uni-Astiss Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori "Rita Levi Montalcini", starting last October 21st with its third edition.
Born from the collaboration between ONAV and the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences of the University of Turin , the school was a great innovation in Italy. Under the guidance of leading personalities from the world of oenology, during the 60 hours of theoretical and practical lessons the 121 participants - expert tasters, technicians in the oenological sector, oenologists and sommeliers - acquire knowledge of organoleptic analysis, oenological, agronomic and university-level chemists, becoming true technical-scientific communicators.
The lessons, some held by members of the Scientific Council of ONAV (the President Prof. Vincenzo Gerbi, Dr. Anna Schneider and the internationally renowned oenologist Graziana Grassini) in these first weeks have dealt with topics such as viticultural heritage and importance of biodiversity . In the next meetings and until the end of the year we will talk about sustainable viticulture , technological innovations and their consequences on sensorial perception, up to delving into the art of food-wine pairing in the sommelier.
Once the final exam has been passed, participants already in possession of the ONAV Expert Taster diploma will be awarded the Master Wine Taster diploma ; all other students will receive a certificate of attendance issued by the University of Turin.
« Also in this edition of SUMAV the ambition is to provide expert tasters with updates and useful insights to increase their professionalism – says prof. Vincenzo Gerbi, president of the Scientific Council of ONAV. – Equally important is to stimulate their curiosity and their critical sense, in order to acquire ever greater ability to describe and evaluate wines. ».