What we are looking for: • A village with agricultural land • Castles with large properties • Agricultural business centers

The goal:
To create an Active Home Farm , an innovative international family home that integrates hospitality for self-sufficient and partially self-sufficient elderly people with productive and therapeutic activities linked to organic and non-organic agriculture, as well as the production of furniture and clothing.

Why is a project like this essential?
By 2050, older people will represent an increasingly large portion of the population. Italy is at the forefront of this demographic transformation, with a growing need for solutions that combine care, companionship and stimulating activities for those over 60.

Our vision:
Not just a rest home, but a welcoming, domestic community where guests can:

  • Maintain active social relationships
  • Participate in agricultural and cultural projects
  • Living in a familiar and stimulating environment

The project's strong points:

  1. Integrated organic farm:
    • Production of organic food for domestic consumption.
    • Fruit and vegetable market to sell excess produce and finance the facility.
    • Workshops for the artisanal production of clothing and furniture.
  2. Therapeutic environment:
    • Outdoor activities and teamwork for guests.
    • Stimulating a sense of belonging and community.
  3. Technology at the service of well-being:
    • Each guest will be provided with an electronic bracelet for geolocation and monitoring of vital parameters.
    • Always up-to-date data to ensure personalized medical care.
  4. Accessibility and community connection:
    • The facility will be easily accessible from nearby schools and residences, encouraging intergenerational exchange.
    • The castle or village will remain open to tourists and families of guests, promoting integration with the territory.

What we offer:
A unique project that combines business and social utility, aimed at those who share our vision of a new form of assistance and inclusion for the elderly (the project is registered and patented).

Contact us:
If you have a structure that meets these characteristics or you want to collaborate with us, write to us now to learn more.
Together we can build the future of family homes!

Email: info@tenuteagricole24.it – cell. 349 8142125
