Via Gramsci, 23
17041 Altare (Savona)
The menu varies according to the availability of raw materials and the seasonality of the ingredients.

Moreover, always in full view, the selection of cheese, chosen according to the best products offered by our country (sometimes, a little bit of good nationalism is not bad).

The tasting of cheese is served with our jams: rose berries, caramelized figs with grappa, pear, kiwi, onion, raisins and bay leaves, quinces, oranges and red pepper.


Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio

Ristorante Quintilio