Via Cavour 5
17021 Alassio (Savona)
Gastronomy is a form of language with which you express creativity, culture, happiness, harmony, beauty, poetry, complexity, magic, humor, provocation.

The information transmitted by a dish is enjoyed through the senses; but it is also evaluated and rationalized with reflection.

The schemes of the classical structure of dishes are broken: among appetizers and desserts there is a revolution, the result, firstly, of the symbiosis between the world of the sweet and the one of salty.

Recipes are designed so that harmony is expressed in small doses.

Irony, show, performance, are valid as long as they are not free, but respond, or connect themselves, to a gastronomic reflection.

"The tasting–menu" is the ultimate expression of avant–garde cuisine.

It is a living structure and subject to changes that unfold through concepts such as snacks, tapas, appetizers, great ideas.


Il Palma

Il Palma

Il Palma

Il Palma