Distillerie Umberto Bonollo spa

via Galilei, 6
35035 Mestrino (Padova)
The origin and the evolution of the company is closely linked to the history of the Bonollo family that already in the second half of the nineteenth century in the Alpine foothills of Vicenza experimented the centuries–old art of making grappa.

The first evidence of the professional activity of distillers date back to 1908: the year of the oldest complaint of production of which we have a copy and which refers to Giuseppe Bonollo, the founder of the dynasty of the most important producers of Grappa exists today.

Umberto Bonollo, one of the sons of Giuseppe, continued the activity of his family in Veneto, the most important Italian region for tradition and grappa production.

The company, still firmly in the hands of the family, is located in the province of Padua with two plants: the distillery of Conselve, from which grappa, grape acquavite and brandy are obtained, and the seat of Mestrino, in which the production of liqueurs and the bottling of the spirits of the business takes place, which are sold in domestic and international markets.

At Bonollo grappa is still the main product. The current president, Giuseppe Bonollo (the founder’s grandson and the eldest son of Umberto) has, in effect, summarized in this way the company’s mission: to obtain a grappa characterized by a wide and typical range of flavors, but also marked, in the mouth, by a cleanliness and lightness that satisfy the hedonistic needs of most modern consumers.

Over the last thirty years Bonollo of Padua has acquired the trademarks and know–how of two renowned Venetian distilleries: Modin of Ponte di Brenta (PD) – a company founded in 1842 – and Dalla Vecchia of Malo (VI) – a company founded in 1890.


Distillerie Umberto Bonollo spa

Distillerie Umberto Bonollo spa