Wine chain Piemonte

The best companies in the wine sector in Piemonte.

Map of companies in the wine sector in Piemonte

Search the map for the best companies in the wine sector in Piemonte. With this simple tool you have the opportunity to find out which is the winery closest to you or to the area you want.

S.p. Per Castelnuovo Scrivia 15057
Tortona (Alessandria)

Oenology by nature and profession

LAFFORT stands out in the world for the direct and complete management of the means of production: this allows us to offer proposals and savoir-faire of high technical level, specific for the wine...


V.le Enrico Fermi, 36 10051
Avigliana (Torino)

elmiti produces electric heaters, ceramic radiators, cartridge heaters

Our company has been in the market for armored electric heaters for industrial applications for many years and we are known for their high reliability and high technology. Our main features are: -...

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