The Government responds positively to requests, with uniform rules throughout the national territory for the reopening phase.

There are still many critical issues to be resolved and gaps to be resolved; Participation in the political debate by all operators remains high.

The work Puglia is Served continues in all locations to bring to the attention of the institutions the requests of the Apulian restaurant and hospitality sector.

After the first appeal of April 2, the second appeal of April 17, the associative realities gathered in the FareRete Project learn with satisfaction the Government's action for the application of uniform rules throughout the national territory, useful for the reopening of the restaurant sector.

The Network has contributed and supported the convergence between the regions , to which the thanks of the whole Network goes, for a widespread operation with rational directives.

There is also a positive response to the Government's choral request for intervention on the INAIL, to resolve the criticality of the employer's report of a complaint in the event of covid-19 infection.

Despite some shortcomings of the document, this is an important step forward, demonstrating, as already stated several times, that the work of each Technical Scientific Committee must necessarily be completed with the support of those who work in the sector every day .

There are still further critical issues that need to be resolved in the shortest possible time, especially with the effective contribution that has been made available several times by the whole network, for a real economic recovery in the sector.

Participation in the political debate is therefore asked once again to help draft rules for a concrete economic recovery in the sector.

FareRete is a project that wants to put the common good first, in the belief that at a time like this it is wrong, senseless and counterproductive to think about individuality.

It includes 30 representative realities of 100,000 operators including cooks, restaurateurs, pizza makers , bakers, confectioners, chocolatiers, ice cream makers, room managers, all united for a single purpose: ADG, Italian Association of Taste Ambassadors; AIG , Italian Gelato Makers Association; AMPI , Academy of Italian Pastry Chefs; APAR, Provincial Association of Artisan Pastry Chefs Reggini; APCI , Professional Association of Italian Chefs; APGA , Association of Artisan Confectioners, Ice Cream Makers; APN , Neapolitan Pizza Makers Association; APT , Pizza Tramonti Association; Follonica Restaurant Association ; CHIC , Charming Italian Chef; Middle food ; Ice Cream Company ; Conpait , Italian Confectioners Confederation; Conpait Gelato ; Parma Quality Restaurants Consortium ; EPPCI , Professional Excellence in Italian Chocolate Confectionery; Euro-Toques Italy ; FIC , Italian Federation of Chefs; Ice cream makers for ice cream ; Entrepreneur Group Catering; JRE , Jeunes Restaurateurs Italia; LPS, Consortium Puglia is Served ; The stops of Ulysses ; Richemont Club Italia ; Ri.Un. , United Restaurateurs; Buongusto restaurants ; Restaurateurs of Sannio and Alto Casertano ; Emilia Romagna Restaurateurs ; Solidus Turismo ; Union of Buon Ricordo restaurants .
