In the restart phase of the Italian economy, the " Marche: from vineyard to table " project was born, strongly desired by the Marche Region with the aim of supporting companies in the quality regional wine sector with the involvement of catering , whose role has been slowed down , when not completely blocked, by the pandemic crisis.
In the context of " Marche: from the vineyard to the table", Ri-Conviviamo is the name chosen by 15 restaurants to wish a return to the conviviality typical of this welcoming region.
Enhance the supply chain and encourage its restart: with this objective, a calendar of tasting evenings open to the public has been designed, during which restaurateurs will offer the wines of 35 wineries involved and the best raw materials of the Marche region , highlighting their excellence through their dishes and matching labels.
Ri-Conviviamo is therefore an invitation to restart, but also and above all a message of trust in the enormous potential of the territory , based precisely on tourism and hospitality. This is an initiative carried out with the active contribution of the Region, in favor of producers and restaurateurs in the Marche region.
Below is the list of restaurants, with the dates on which the tasting evenings will be held respectively, with the list of wine producers participating in the initiative.
Any other information is available on: and on the portals, and
• "Amabile" restaurant - Frontone (PU)> 16 September 2021
• Restaurant "20-15" - Marotta di Mondolfo (PU)> 19 September 2021
• Hotel-Restaurant "Alla Lanterna" - Fano (PU)> 22 September 2021
• "Due Cigni" Restaurant - Montecosaro Scalo (MC)> 5 October 2021
• "Il Cuciniere" restaurant - Fano (PU)> 14 October 2021
• "Osteria L'Angolo Divino" restaurant - Urbino (PU)> 22 October 2021
• "Gibas" Restaurant - Pesaro (PU)> 10 November 2021
• "Da Tano" Restaurant - Fano (PU)> 18 November 2021
• "Il Portico" Restaurant-Pizzeria - Fano (PU)> 19 November 2021
• "Da Farina" Restaurant-Pizzeria - Pesaro (PU)> 23 November 2021
• "Il Grottino" restaurant - Gabicce Monte (PU)> 25 November 2021
• "Amarantos" Restaurant - Porto Recanati (MC)> November 26, 2021
• "Bagni da Federico" restaurant - San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)> November
• "Zasa" restaurant - San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)> November
• "Antico Furlo" Restaurant - Acqualagna (PU)> 10 December 2021
Az. Agraria Guerrieri
The Monteciccardo Convent
Colonnara Soc. Coop. Agricultural
Agrobiologica San Giovanni
Moroder Cellars
Lands of San Ginesio
Santa Barbara
Rovelli winery
Luca Cimarelli Staffolo
Cantina Di Sante
Roberto Lucarelli
Villa Ligi farm
Az. Agr. Mariotti Cesare
Mancini farm
Az. Agr. Federico Mencaroni
Cantina Santi Giacomo e Filippo
Vineyard of the Cava
The Jasmine
Cantina Mezzanotte
Az. Agr. Claudio Morelli
Soc. Agr. Ciù Ciù
Az. Agr. Mazzola
San Lorenzo farm
Agri La Fonte
Long plantings
The Hare and the Moon
Rovelli winery
The Tower of the Nano
Farm on the Lake
Ca 'Sciampagne Estate
Colleminò Winery