Finding solutions instead of complaining: this is ONAV's formula for reacting constructively to the change in driving rules.

Vito Intini , President of ONAV , the National Organization of Wine Tasters, says: – There is a lot of talk about sanctions, but there are few references to education on drinking, which is more necessary than ever today. Courses in this sense are an important opportunity to have new tools and it is essential to allow those who love wine to learn about it without risking their license. We at ONAV have done this».

The issue, in fact, must be evaluated under two aspects : that of teaching and education on drinking, and that of events that increasingly involve wine in its territories. As regards the activities of ONAV , the Association has been active for some time in educating on conscious drinking , also through the CoNVi ( National Wine Consultation ), and therefore on the knowledge of the risk that the abuse or excessive use of alcohol can cause, not only while driving.

ONAV also suggests virtuous practices for its courses and events such as:

- plan lessons and single-theme evenings not too late, recommending attending after eating ,

- pour less wine into the glasses, but still enough for a good organoleptic approach,

- do not concentrate wine tastings at the end of the lessons, in order to favor the metabolization of the alcohol consumed.

These simple but good practices protect participants from any risks and, as a further guarantee, ONAV is committed to equipping all its Sections with breathalyzers to test members who do not feel safe.

The second important aspect consists in adapting the organization of events regarding wine or that contemplate its consumption . ONAV indicates that these should be organized in places served by public transport, or that shuttles should be made available to reach them. It also suggests organizing in groups , alternating tastings always in moderation and perhaps choosing from time to time who can act as a driver . Naturally, there remains the shared sense of civic responsibility that must move any action and not just that of drinking.
