There is optimism among the producers of Morellino di Scansano. The drought has reduced yields by at least 20%, but the grapes are healthy and allow us to have excellent expectations for the vintage.

The 2020 harvest has recently ended in the Morellino di Scansano Docg area and there is satisfaction within the Protection Consortium after listening to the first impressions of most of the producers of the appellation.


"This 2020 has put all of us to the test, with scenarios that were unimaginable just a year ago. The appellation has been able to maintain its market share, despite everything. which promises to be high " says the director of the Consortium Alessio Durazzi .


The main cause of the consistent drop in production is to be attributed to a substantially dry month of August. The turning point came in September, close to the harvest. "At the end of August and then throughout the month of September the rains allowed the vines to rebalance and the grapes were directed towards a practically perfect ripeness, a fundamental aspect for obtaining a superior quality" - concludes Durazzi.


All the production areas of the seven municipalities that are part of the appellation - Scansano, Campagnatico, Grosseto, Magliano in Toscana, Manciano, Roccalbegna, Semproniano - thanks to the seasonally balanced finale from the meteorological point of view, they managed to harvest perfectly ripe grapes with an excellent balance between sugars and acidity.


"This year is configured as a year of excellent quality - states Bernardo Guicciardini Calamai , president of the Consortium. " It is a result that repays us for the efforts that all of us producers, both in the vineyard and in the cellar, have had to face due to the delicate moment of health emergency we are experiencing, adapting internal structures and organizations to the regulations in place " .


"We are certain that the market, in the face of less than usual volumes, will appreciate and above all enhance an excellent harvest - concludes the president -. The grapes have great potential thanks to the achievement of an optimal phenolic ripeness; the vintage wines , they will have great olfactory intensity that will make them satisfying from the beginning of their marketing, while for the Reserves there are all the conditions for obtaining wines with structure, balance and longevity " .
