With as well as 1.8 million hectoliters, which correspond to 241 million bottles, is by far the most bottled designation of origin in Italy in 2013.

With as many as 241 million bottles, bubbles that come from the area between Veneto and Friuli are as many as 16% of the total DOC – DOCG wine bottled by the Italian producers in 2013, amounting to 1.5 billion pieces.

The reaction of the President of the Prosecco DOC Consortium

Here is the comment of the President of Prosecco Doc, Stefano Zanette: «The data released by Unione Italiana Vini on the bottlings of the main DOP – confirm our research and reveal the full weight of our designation in the Italian wine scene. If this finding can be interpreted as a clear sign of the success of the Prosecco designation, then the credit must be attributed in large part to the production system and the regional, national and community authorities which have supported us from the legal and technical point of view».

«The first step we are going to take – Zanette continues – is concerning the request that we will formulate, with the support of the major trade associations, the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions in relation to the maintenance of the limitations to the registration of the vineyards in the wine archive to be suitable of claiming the DOC Prosecco, until the 2016/2017 wine vintage».

Minister Martina talks

Minister Martina said: «These data are impressive, I dare say dizzying, congratulation to the 241 million bottles that highlight the great work already done, that should be regarded as a starting point for anything else we can do: to consolidate and conquer new markets. (...) When I travel around the world and talk about the experience of national wine – the Minister concluded – you are a fundamental element of the Italian landscape».

Prosecco World and other Veneto Wines in the ranking

The share of the Prosecco world comes to 20% of the total national production even if you add up the 73 million bottles of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG and the 1.2 million of the Asolo DOCG.

In the ranking presented by “Corriere Vinicolo” on the data from the control bodies we find:

Soave 48 million bottles

Bardolino 28 million bottles

Valpolicella Ripasso 25 million bottles

Valpolicella nearly 20 million bottles

Amarone 13 million bottles

Source: “Corriere Vinicolo” rework on data prepared by the Directorate General for the recognition of inspection, certification and consumer protection bodies of MiPAAF, based on the data provided by the control structures operating on wine products.