The intervention of Icqrf has stopped the sale of Prosecco on tap in several stores, retail chains and websites in Britain. Minister Maurizio Martina thanks the British authorities and on food counterfeiting states that «we intend to make a further leap in quality, involving the authorities and the main actors involved in the fight against wrongdoing internationally».
The illegal sale of Prosecco on tap in Britain is over: the Inspectorate for Quality Control and Fraud Repression intervened as the result of the alarm launched by the Consortia of Prosecco DOC and of Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene DOCG
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs – Defra has carried out dozens of checks in the UK following reports by Icqrf about the illicit selling of "Prosecco DOP on tap" to the British authorities.
The thanks of Minister Martina
«I thank the British authorities for blocking in many places a fraud such as the sale of Prosecco on tap. Our Inspectorate for fraud repression had long reported these offenses towards our wine designations and once again has demonstrated our ability to intervene to protect Italian products even outside the borders and on the web».
Minister Martina: our system of controls is effective and authoritative
«These operations demonstrate once again how effective and authoritative our system of checks is, that, not surprisingly, is taken as a model by many countries. We are the first in Europe in the protection of the food sector, only in 2014 we are talking about more than 100,000 checks throughout the national territory to which we must add also those abroad».
The hope of the Minister: to protect increasingly the quality of Made in Italy
The hope of the minister is to continue on this course and maintain high the quality level of controls. «Made in Italy, which sees in the PDO and PGI the ultimate expression of its extraordinary quality, must be increasingly protected and defended by all frauds that create enormous damage to our businessmen both in terms of image and from the economic point of view».
Towards Expo 2015: the European Forum on combating counterfeiting in agribusiness
In view of Expo 2015, next March the Po Technology Park of Lodi will host the European Forum on combating counterfeiting in agribusiness with which, the minister says «we intend to make a further leap in quality, involving the authorities and the main actors involved in the fight against wrongdoing internationally».