The Internet of Things (IoT) is a container of many application areas that together in 2021 total in Italy a value of 8 billion euros . This is the forecast of GreenVulcano Technologies ( based on the research conducted by the Internet of Things Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano.
The main developments in national sales level are expected as part of the Smart Asset m anagement (metering and asset management in utilities), with a value of 2 billion euro in 2021 representing 25% of the total; of Smart Cars , with a turnover of 1.6 billion euros, 20% of the total (half of the car fleet in circulation in Italy is already connected); and - on equal merit - Smart City and Smart Building , both areas with a turnover of 1 billion euros each, 12% of the total.
These 4 areas, alone, correspond to 69% of the total. The values were projected to 2021 by GreenVulcano Technologies based on the research conducted by the Internet of Things Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, according to which, however, Smart Agriculture is the sector that recorded the greatest growth in 2020 (17% ), more than double the growth in the Smart City area (8%).
On the other hand, the Smart Home area is slightly down with a turnover of 505 million euros in 2020 (Politecnico di Milano figure) and a forecast of 800 million for 2021 ( GreenVulcano Technologies projection).
The Smart solutions for the factory and Smart for logistics, finally, are growing respectively 10% and 4%, "the most interesting applications are those related to the management of the factory that allow real-time monitoring of energy consumption and the production » point out the analysts of GreenVulcano Technologies .
"Seize this impulse and make it our own, all 'inside of a new industrial policy that can withstand the country's future, it is without doubt essential. Not surprisingly, the incentives provided by the National Transition Plan 4.0 , replacing the previous Enterprise 4.0 and Industry 4.0, can play a fundamental role, moving the market and addressing a new industrial policy " explain the experts of GreenVulcano Technologies , who precisely on on this topic, they organized a webinar with free participation on Monday 6 July at 5.00 pm on LinkedIn at the url
And it is precisely within this ecosystem that the solutions offered by GreenVulcano Technologies are inserted , a company that has been accredited for years as a B2B player behind the scenes of the major smart mobility companies , as well as one of the most active research and experimentation laboratories of Made in Italy. Italy hi-tech in different sectors, able to support all phases of a Transition 4.0 project : from finding resources to defining the implementation project, up to the reporting of expenses.
"One of the major changes of the past 10 years and probably the next 10 years - continuing the experts- pervasivit is a huge amount of data, in Central profound transformation that the 'industry is experiencing with the digital revolution."
Among the most widespread technologies within this ecosystem, the Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an increasingly important role: today we are talking about the Industrial Internet of Things (I-IoT) , thanks to the application and presence in the various sectors and industrial processes of IoT sensors , which provide data in greater quantities and at a deeper level of detail.
But not only. "Cognitive technologies, 'artificial intelligence, the m achine learning and d eep learning are increasing the capacity of smart perform automated analysis machines and acting autonomously' add the GreenVulcano Technologies experts.
The GreenVulcano Technologies I-IoT platform can be logically divided into 2 areas: e dge and core . The first includes all the components that make the connection to the machinery and, in general, to all the objects to be monitored in the IoT world: from sensors to production line trolleys; the second, on the other hand, includes all the centralized components of the platform, the locus where the data taken from the monitored objects are stored and analyzed.
"The real innovation, one that weighs heavily in terms of competitiveness in global markets, is given by a model characterized by a 'hybrid identity, that can include the know-how related to' innovation of systems and processes to that of ' industrial analytics, aimed at the best production performance » concludes Gaetano Rossi , vice president and general manager of GreenVulcano Technologies .
Add to this the extraordinary ability of GreenVulcano Technologies to manage a huge amount of raw data and turn it into value. A capacity that can strongly contribute to the possibility of offering " disruptive innovation" to accompany companies towards new markets , new sectors , new business models and new forms of revenues in the context of the opportunities offered by the Transition 4.0 plan within the Next Generation EU.
A more detailed analysis is available - both for the press and for the public - at the url from which it is possible to download " Transition 4.0 - The push to the industrial fabric towards the fulfillment of the Industry 4.0 paradigm", the white paper just published by GreenVulcano Technologies on these issues.