On the occasion of International Bee Day, Castello di Meleto supports the vision of positive change.

This is a phrase that often echoes when the interlocutors are immersed in nature, in its colorful and fresh noises, in its perfumed and comforting colours, in its vivid landscapes. Bees are a very precious resource for the balance of the ecosystem , hardworking they work for the environment and generously give away tasty products. Their international day is celebrated on 20 May each year, aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, and their contribution to sustainable development.

The Castello di Meleto Bee Park is a perfect microcosm : 3.2 million bees divided into 90 families have permanent residence in Gaiole in Chianti (SI) and are always surrounded by lush, lively and baroque nature. Here the animals are placed at the center and the external environment envelops the hives with a maternal embrace. In this way, the bees collect only wild millefiori, in full respect of the Chianti area's biodiversity. Castello di Meleto , which is part of the Chianti Classico Bio District, a working group that has evaluated the positive interactions between beekeeping and viticulture, has a motto: change is possible and if you adopt a positive, proactive and timely attitude you can still intervene in the protection of biodiversity .

Castello di Meleto is a company strongly committed in this field and its model of action has proved to be sustainable both economically and environmentally. The company is a virtuous example to follow: in fact, through the Nel Nome dell'Ape project, it is possible to adopt a beehive so as to repopulate the area and restore the ecosystem (those who join the project will receive 2kg of honey produced per year from its own hive for five years!). In addition, the Parco delle Api is educational because change must start from an early age.

What derives from projects like these is an ever greater awareness of the topical issue of environmental sustainability, as well as unique products of their kind. Castello di Meleto produces millefiori honey , propolis and wild honey , the latter produced by bees that have lost their families, which have been rescued from the woods and reintegrated into the hives of the Park.


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