Impronte d'Eccellenza - at this year's Selezione del Sindaco there will be a prize dedicated to sustainable farming techniques for Green wine culture
Impronte d'Eccellenza competition is sponsored by Città del Vino and Cifo and will be held during the Selezione del Sindaco 2013

The future of sustainable development is increasingly relevant in the industrial production. Wine culture demonstrates its interest in it too. Città del Vino and Cifo would like to promote "Impronte d'Eccellenza. Farming techniques for sustainable wine culture value. " The competition aims to reward companies that ensure both sustainability and quality of the final product.

"The award is dedicated to the sustainability of agricultural practices, we want to reiterate - said Pietro Iadanza, national president of Città del Vino - the role of the association is supporting the development of our territories wine. Environmental issues must be the Comuni's main interest. This is why we have identified a collaboration with Cifo in order to give our territories a way to grow - still in collaboration with public and private sectors, the Comuni and wineries. "

Who are the promoters of Impronte d'Eccellenza?
L'associazione Città del Vino brings together over 500 Comuni del Vino
Cifo is a leading company in the production of fertilizers for agriculture

Impronte d'Eccellenza Awards
First prize * TV Special "Con i piedi per terra" (national broadcast via satellite and digital terrestrial) + ? 1000 free gifts; + 2 soil analysis; + 1 leaf analysis, technical advice free of charge for use Cifo products.
* Second prize ? 2,000 toiletries, ground + 2 analysis; + 1 leaf analysis; + Free technical advice Cifo about how to use products.
* Third prize ? 1,000 toiletries, free technical advice Cifo about how to use products.
The Comuni of residence of the companies will be awarded too with cash prizes which they would use with no restrictions.

The prize will be awarded to wineries adopting proven environmentally friendly best practices in their production activities both in the vineyard and in the cellar. It will be given to companies that have won at least one gold medal and which have answered a questionnaire about the best practice sustainable farming techniques to their vineyards and in the cellar.

The competition will be the scene in the event "La Selezione del Sindaco" which will take place in Castelfranco Veneto and Asolo Veneto. The Selezione del Sindaco is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (info:

The scientific committee of the Award of Excellence Footprints
Professor Mario Fregoni,
Professor Alberto Vercesi (Catholic University of Piacenza, Faculty of Agriculture)
Professor Luigi Bavaresco (Director Research Center Viticulture of Conegliano, Treviso)
Paolo Benvenuti, director of Città del Vino.
