Featuring the Barbera d'Asti Consortium and the wines of Monferrato, the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG Consortium and the Consortium of Producers of Roccaverano DOP, the three-year campaign co-financed by the European Union will showcase the commitment to the sustainability of these products in five important European countries.

Barbera d'Asti and the Wines of Monferrato, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG and Roccaverano DOP. The campaign aims to promote sustainability in every aspect of the production and consumption of these quality products, in five countries: Italy, France, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

Sustainability Heritage

The 'Born Sustainable' campaign aims to promote and highlight the sustainable practices adopted by partners, raising awareness among consumers and industry operators on the importance of sustainability in wine and cheese production. The main objective is to increase the visibility and recognition of quality regimes such as DOCG and DOP, promoting the inclusion of products that comply with rigorous sustainability standards and contributing to environmental protection, as well as the valorization of local traditions. The aim is therefore to encourage responsible consumption, educating the public to make informed and sustainable consumption choices.

Another central objective is the valorization of the territories, making known the peculiarities that make Barbera d'Asti docg, the Monferrato wines, the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG and the Roccaverano DOP unique. What unites the three main products is their connection with the territory to which they belong , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which allows these food and wine excellences to emerge as models of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

The production of these products is in fact strongly rooted in tradition and in the valorization of the territory, guaranteeing authenticity and unparalleled quality.

The program of activities

The project includes targeted information and promotion actions, aimed at end consumers, opinion leaders, press and operators in the sector, to increase awareness and appreciation of high-quality and sustainable European products.

Numerous communication activities are planned to achieve these goals. Among these , study trips to the Monferrato and Conegliano Valdobbiadene hills are planned, which will offer the opportunity to discover sustainable practices and local traditions first-hand . Participation in events will also be organized, to promote and make the products known to a wider audience. These include educational workshops, tastings, but also other activities such as advertising campaigns on traditional and digital media. Each initiative will be designed to highlight the aspect of sustainability, which is the common thread of the entire campaign.

This integrated effort aims to consolidate the position of European producers in competitive markets and ensure sustainable growth in the consumption of excellent agricultural products.
