It is the poetry of the earth that Naturally Vino brings to the center of the story on the weekend of Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December at Combo with the exhibition dedicated to natural, biodynamic and organic wines and to companies attentive to sustainability in the vineyard and in the cellar: more of 30 producers and over 100 labels for tasting from all over Italy will be the protagonists of the two days of talks, tastings and masterclasses .
Stories, terroir, production and work of these Vignerons, to make known the commitment and effort in trying to safeguard nature and the environment, is the mission of Naturally Vino.
A journey around Italy to be told, but above all to be explored in depth, discovering the most alternative forms of winemaking . An event that brings together winemakers and producers, selected throughout Italy, who put attention to the environment at the center of their work in the vineyard.
The final product and the processes that lead it to be unique are the fulcrum of the thought of an agriculture that seeks in the cycles of the earth, in natural products, in the absence of interventions that speed up the winemaking process, the focus of its activity and its philosophy.
The choice to bring this event from Combo - already home to other Turin Wine Week events - arises from the importance of the work that this cultural center has been carrying out in the Turin area for some time. Not only from a cultural and tourist reception point of view, but also and above all to the attention and research linked to the wine offering which selects the world of organic and natural products from its dedicated wine list, with young and dynamic but also important labels from historic wineries.
Finally, there is also a gastronomic offer of dedicated tapas in addition to the classic restaurant service.
The event is organized by Torino Wine Week in collaboration with Gambero Rosso , Città del Gusto and Wouse.