The non-profit association founded by Luigi Veronelli and the Park institution are inaugurating a collaboration aimed at creating opportunities for deepening the wine heritage and food culture, with events aimed at professionals and enthusiasts.

The Permanent Seminar Luigi Veronelli , an association founded by the "philosopher of the earth and the table", announces the birth of a new and prestigious collaboration with the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo , a regional park established in 1977 to safeguard and enhance the balance between nature and human presence.

A partnership created starting from shared sensitivity and values, but also from the desire to promote an idea of quality in the agri-food sector that includes social relations, landscape care and environmental protection. To propose this particular approach to agriculture and gastronomy, numerous activities are planned in the next two years: for example, the tasting and wine culture course "The wine according to Veronelli", aimed at all those who wish to meet and learn about the heritage of wines from 'Italy, and Vinidea 's refresher and technical training meetings, offered exclusively for Lombardy.

After the long period of inevitable standstill imposed by the pandemic, the wine culture "according to Veronelli" is therefore once again the protagonist in Bergamo.

"The agreement with Parco dei Colli di Bergamo is emblematic," says Dario Guerini, Councilor of the Luigi Veronelli Permanent Seminary . «Our Association, in fact, carries on the legacy of Luigi Veronelli in a concrete and coherent way, and has been working for 35 years in favor of the quality of agri-food products. This new collaboration, which provides for an offer of educational and cultural services aimed at producers and consumers, is fully part of the association's objectives and is an important news: the Veronelli Seminar brings together enthusiasts, operators and companies from the entire national territory, but also has a physical headquarters in Bergamo, a city that its brilliant founder chose as a place of life and work. In this sense, we intend to maintain firm relations with the institutions and territorial realities that share our mission ».

A partnerhisp that the President of the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo, Oscar Locatelli , presents as follows: "The Park is proud to collaborate with this prestigious association that honors the figure and role of Luigi Veronelli in the dissemination and dissemination of a culture of the territory, of food and wine production of ante litteram quality. The hope is that this collaboration will also be useful and fruitful for farms operating in the area ».

As a first initiative, the splendid headquarters of the Park in Valmarina will host, from Wednesday 3 November, the autumn edition of the first level of " The wine according to Veronelli - Course of tasting and wine culture" , the result of the thirty-year teaching experience of the Association, aimed at to bring enthusiasts closer to the themes of viticulture, enology and sensorial sciences, drawing on the history of gastronomy, Veronellian thought and its cultural and social impact.

A path divided into six Wednesdays, in the evening, dedicated to the deepening of the wine production process, in particular of the key principles of quality viticulture, and to the development of the ability to use one's senses in tasting. Participants will acquire useful skills to "read the story of wine" through tasting, with an appropriate language to describe its organoleptic characteristics and to rationally argue their own qualitative judgment.

In the edition organized with the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo , great attention will be dedicated to territorial productions: the wine according to Veronelli , in fact, will also represent a privileged opportunity to get to know the Park's winemakers and their products, therefore to deepen the production context Bergamo with a final visit.

From 12 January 2022 the second level of “The wine according to Veronelli” : after having accompanied the student to discover the tasting technique, the oenological process and the sensory profiles of the different types will be studied in depth. Five monographic evenings dedicated to cellar work, to the styles and aesthetic references of contemporary wine, while in the sixth and last meeting there will be a visit to a winery of excellence in the regional territory.

The third and final level , scheduled for autumn 2022, will be reserved for those who intend to acquire full mastery of the Italian wine heritage and consists of three cycles dedicated, respectively, to Northern, Central and Southern / Insular Italy. In the twenty total meetings, the protagonists will be the denominations, the varieties, the great vineyards and the best companies in Italy.

There will also be ample space for technical training: for the Veronelli Seminar , meetings on viticultural and oenological topics have always had a special relevance. With this in mind, the fruitful collaboration with Vinidea , an innovation broker specialized in the wine sector, which coordinates an international network of technicians and researchers, will continue at the Park headquarters.

In short, a collaboration, the one between Seminario Veronelli and Parco dei Colli di Bergamo , destined to enrich the opportunities offered to the Bergamo public to deepen its winemaking culture.

To find out the complete calendar of activated courses, prices and methods of participation, consult the website:
