Treviso and Verona main poles of employment attraction. Veneto Agricoltura analyzed employment in the primary sector in 2019, based on Veneto Lavoro and ISTAT data. Assumptions swing. He holds the "Young" band and the female one grows. A "pill" of RadioVenetoAgricoltura to deepen the topic. Download the Report.

This is the most striking figure that emerges from the analysis carried out by Veneto Agricoltura ( on the basis of the data made available by Veneto Lavoro , an agency of the Veneto Region, relating to employment in the primary sector in the 2019.

In more detail, the analysis of the data broken down by age group shows a greater increase in hiring in the " young " group (15-29 years), up 6% on the previous year, even if in absolute terms it is the segment of " adults " (29-55) with the highest number of hires in the agricultural sector (equal to approximately 39,100 units), approximately 50% of the total.

At provincial level, it is above all Verona and Treviso , with strong seasonal increases in the third quarter, that make up the largest share of hires, equal to about half of the overall ones made in the Veneto agricultural sector.

According to the ISTAT ( Labor Force Survey ) data regarding employee and independent employment levels in Veneto, again in 2019, 67,436 workers are employed in the agricultural sector. Although it represents an increase compared to the decrease recorded in the last three years, it still remains a value of about 5,000 units compared to the 2016 figure and 27% compared to the year 2000. However, in the last decade (2009-2019), in the Veneto there was an increase in agricultural workers of 20.5%, over 8.5% nationally.

For its part, female employment in agriculture has seen, in the last decade, a reduction of -3.6% in Italy and a 23.3% increase in Veneto , against an increase in male employees respectively 13.4% and 19.5%.

By distinguishing by professional position , in Veneto the number of self-employed workers grows, unlike what happens on average at national level (-5.1%) while the number of employees is falling. After having almost reached an equality between employed and independent workers in Veneto (in 2016 equal to 44% and 56% respectively), in recent years the gap between the two types has widened again and, in 2019, the independent workers represent a 73.7% share of total agricultural workers, compared to 26.3% share of employees. This is a particular characteristic of the Veneto agricultural occupation compared to the national reality.

At the territorial level , the province of Vicenza is recovering (177.8% of the employed, mainly driven by the increase in the number of independent workers); the decrease in the number of self-employed workers in Rovigo is also reversed (35% in 2019, in a decade in which there was a -50.3%), which was partially offset, however, by the decrease in employees. Overall, Verona and Treviso are confirmed as the two main provinces by number of employees, respectively with a share of 48.8% and 18% of the total.

A pill of RadioVenetoAgricoltura is available on the topic "Business and employment in agriculture in the Veneto" with guest in the studio dr. Renzo Rossetto of the Agro-Food Economic Observatory of the Regional Agency (


In Veneto, the number of employed in agriculture in 2019 grew by 1,350 units, a marginal figure in the general economic context (13,865 in the services sector; 9,950 in industry), which is accompanied by 78,930 hires, equal to 9.8 % of the total, down 3.2% compared to 2018.