The image that will represent the City of Wine in 2013 was chosen: the author of the sketch is Gianluca Greco the winner in 2013

The Technical Jury and the National Association of Wine Cities have been completely won over by the bottles that stand behind the buildings of a great city, the subject of the winning design by Gianluca Greek Fasano (Brindisi).

The competition for the Manifesto of the City of Wine 2013
The competition that Wine Cities index every year is aimed at graphic designers to find the image that will disseminate the City of Wine, over 500 sketches participants from every part of the boot.
The jury technique consists of graphic designers, artists and architects in the proposed list of three finalists. Then the Council Nazionaleha decreed the final standings.

The podium of the competition for the Manifesto of the City of Wine 2013
Third place: the manifesto of Omar Tonella, a student at the University of Genoa, who proposed a corkscrew becomes stylized man and sips happily with glasses of wine. A particular image on a yellow background that expresses the conviviality of drinking wine all Italian.
Second place: the image proposed by Valentina Gatti, young designers Casteggio, Pavia. She has worked on a glass of wine on a sleek black background. The wine flows with its sinuous lines and elegant draws the outline of a wine town. Interesting distinction that sets out the wine as the protagonist in drawing and animating the territory into a cup slender and full of reflections.
First Place: The Greek Gianluca Brindisi, Puglia has created a colorful design and na