In the context of the certification path envisaged by the Diversity Ark Disciplinary, the first two online training meetings were presented which will be held on 18 January and 2 February 2024 aimed at increasing the knowledge of participating companies on the issues of biodiversity in agriculture.

Among its aims, it intends to provide the agricultural companies that join it with the necessary analytical knowledge of the characteristics of their agro-ecosystem in order to identify the correct management of their land. It is precisely from this need that the 2024 training course promoted by Diversity Ark takes inspiration, aimed at training and raising awareness among participating companies regarding agro-ecological issues. The first two meetings, which will be held remotely via the Zoom platform, will take place on Thursday 18 January and Thursday 2 February . “ We are really excited to start this series of training events – declares Luigi Vignaduzzo, Sole Director of Diversity Ark – which arise from the desire to transfer knowledge and increase the awareness of our partner companies on the aspects linked to biodiversity which are reflected in health of the environment, the land and the people who work there. Both events are the result of a great effort made by Diversity Ark in order to put participants in contact with nationally and internationally recognized speakers, to provide significant contributions on both a theoretical and practical level” .
The first digital appointment is scheduled for Thursday 18 January from 4.00pm to 6.30pm , and will feature Giovanni Morelli , Doctor Agronomist, founder of Studio Progetto Verde, expert in tree architecture and morphophysiology, thematic censuses, evaluation of stability, redevelopment and maintenance of greenery. The title of his speech is " Trees as an element of valorisation of the extra-urban territory with specific reference to the monumental tree ".
On Thursday 2 February at the same time it will be the turn of Marc Spalding, Senior Scientist for The Nature Conservancy , honorary Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, science communicator, expert in marine ecosystems, including mapping their distribution, conditions and threats, importance of coral reefs and mangrove forests. The presentation, which will take place in English with translation into Italian, will concern the theme " Conservation of the world's coasts and oceans. What are the threats and how can we solve them? An overview of the challenges and solutions ." / "Conservation of coasts and oceans. What are the threats and how can we solve them? An overview of challenges and solutions".
The training meetings, demonstrating the solidity and reliability of the project, represent the necessary requirements for the completion of the certification process provided for by the Diversity Ark Disciplinary.


Founded in 2022 by agronomists Stefano Amadeo and Stefano Zaninotti, Diversity Ark fits into the panorama of agricultural certifications as a real revolution in this area. In fact, it approaches agriculture with a new philosophy of thought, proposing a holistic vision that aims to fully protect the biodiversity present in the field, preventing the ecosystem from being irreparably altered by human intervention.
The name itself is a declaration of intent: “Ark symbolizes a clear reference to Noah's ark, the first positive example of safeguarding all living species, men and animals, and in our case also plants. The certification mark, applicable on the label, reflects precisely this vision. For life to continue to run its course, everyone's survival is necessary, each organism is indispensable for the balance and life of all the others."
