Olio Officina Food Festival, January 24 to 26 intense days in Milan to give life to innovative interpretation of seasoning

Oil Food Festival Workshop the professional public and the general public will be able to enjoy the "condiments for the palate & the mind", the slogan of this' initiative which aims to propose a new approach to fat in the kitchen with a healthy spirit of dialectical and training, so we can speak of a real prorpio cultural movement that began around the 'Luigi Uploaded oleologo which outlined a new way to interpret the condiments:

With the dure is a nutritional food to
"The dressing - says Luigi Uploaded - becomes an essential ingredient and decisive, because it allows not only to enhance other foods, but himself becomes a functional food, which is crucial in the success of a diet." Olio Officina Food Festival rethinks condiments, giving them a role as nutritious foods.

Olio Officina Food Festival: the vision and eggs n d in oliv oil and
The festival aims to open up new paths for exploration languages ​​and styles of interpretation unpublished: "What I would point out, it's their way to a new vision of the oil from olives. Today, fortunately, we can rightly speak of" democratic oil "available to all, as the new extraction techniques, in addition to new economies in place, now allow people to make a product, the current extra-virgin olive oil, usable and accessible by all. There remains only the task of ensuring the quality and authenticity of oils - admits Uploaded - which is the only way to acquire full awareness when making purchases placed in front of the shelf. Today, through direct knowledge of the product, without intermediaries that disorient the consumer can do for itself, without making any mistakes "

Olio Officina Food Festival: the expressive potential
Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan will become a veritable theater of knowledge, tastes, sounds and words.
H ealth, wealth, history, anthropology, sociology, these are just some of the areas that will deepen with the program rich in oil Officina Food Festival.

Themed buffet, round tables, show cooking, interviews, dialogues, cooking schools, wine tastings, tasting sessions, short courses for beginners tasting, exhibitions, video projections and, in the evening, a living cultural, literary, musical and artistic with theatrical performances, concerts, book presentations, meetings with people of great cultural importance. L 'Olio Officina Food Festival aims to provide different interpretations to better understand a raw material still little known in all its many expressive potential.
Knights. "Bring something to his mouth and understand the flavor or a complex experience that goes far beyond the simple nourishment," says Knight. "If all the animals eat and drink to quench your thirst and hunger, only human animals have transformed a physiological necessity into a cultural and intellectual, but also in aesthetic experience and synaesthetic. Taste, taste and more, bring test all our senses, and especially the nose, showing how the perception of taste, its evaluation and its discernment help to characterize our 'humanity' of animals wise, friendly and speakers. "

Ceq Consortium - Consortium quality extra virgin, Pantaleo, Esselunga, Sasso, Puglia, Masseria delle Sources, Monini, the Triangle Oil, San Giuliano and Farchioni, Province of Grosseto, Brothers Turri, CHEMISERVICE, Bayer CropScience, Federolio, Assitol Consortium Garda DOP oil, oil PDO Riviera Consortium, Consortium oil Dop Tergeste, Agrid
