MW Jancis Robinson, this is the signature of the world Bible about vines of which is expected to release in autumn 2012. Wine Grapes, should be the most complete guide of the world dedicated to international varieties of wine grapes. To cure it the famous and renowned Master of Wine Jancis Robinson, the author of "The Oxford Companion to Wine" and "The World Atlas of Wine", the latter to be released in October. Vouillamoz. The latter is a geneticist who for years has been devoted to the study of the DNA of Grapes. In summary, here's what Wine Grapes is offering: The more detailed analysis of the DNA, family trees, illustrations fine. All combined with the global vision of Jancis Robinson, with his flair for writing well and good wines. There is combinao 's attention to the details of Julia and the high level of expertise of Dr. Vouillamoz. Wine Grapes offer essential and original in-depth information, which makes it suitable for students of enology, wine experts, agronomists and wine lovers. A brief overview of Wine Grapes The encyclopedia will describe 1368 variety. Verrano specified: origin, characteristics, sensory notes of grapes that are found in wine. There will be a very careful research on the relationships between species of grapes also illustrated with 14 family trees. 80 plates of the prestigious and historic Ampélographie of Viala and Vermorel. Publisher: Penguin Allen Lane, has N. 1280 pages Weight: 3 kg Cost:
