From Sunday, 5th October, the journey in "Bollicine", the national event dedicated to Italian sparkling wines. In Mogliano Veneto you can taste sparkling wine with producers and participate in workshops led by wine experts.

"Bollicine" 2014 hosts the best Italian companies which produce wines with the Classic, Charmat and Sur Lie Methods. For tasting, more than 300 wines, more than 100 companies represented in the tasting tables. For the event, enthusiasts and professionals are expected for a journey in the Bubbles from north to south.

"Bollicine" 2014: celebrating the success of Italian sparkling wines

"The Italian sparkling wines – Marco Sabellico, Curator of the Guida Vini d’Italia by Gambero Rosso – are on the rise, and not just in terms of consumption. Success is measured also by the growing prestige and the recognition that our products obtain in foreign markets. Thanks to the international fame of the Prosecco D.O.C. and D.O.C.G. and of Asti, now in the world you can discover our "classic method" production: Franciacorta, Trentodoc and Oltrepò Pavese".

The sparkling wine of the Bel Paese is the type that in the past decade (2002–2012) has scored the best performance abroad.

In the town of Mogliano Veneto Italian sparkling wines are celebrated with growing attention towards the "Bollicine" from local grapes, the affirmation of Franciacorta in Italy and in foreign markets and the exploit of Prosecco.

The world that loves Bubbles: where do our sparkling wine go?

The USA, Germany, the UK, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Russia and China: these are the countries that love our sparkling wines. In 2013 there was an increase in sales of Italian sparkling wines by 20% (in cumulative terms) compared to 2012. (data by Nomisma–Wine Monitor)

More and more Italian bubbles in the world

Many are the wineries producing at least one type of sparkling wine. The Italian bubbles "are appreciated because they are "typical" and have a good value for money and can be combined with the traditional, but also ethnic and .... global kitchen" – you can read in a statement to the event – moreover, it must be highlighted that these are becoming more and more "green". In effect, the attention of producers of sparkling wine towards organic, in the vineyard and in the wine cellar, is increasing.

What awaits us at "Bollicine" 2014?

The themes of the WORKSHOPS at "Bollicine" 2014

? Native "Bollicine"

? The perfect pairing ... does not exist!

? Prosecco, it is time for Brut!

? Cantina Endrizzi

? The "Franciacorta"

? "Contrariwise" vertical tasting of Franciacorta di Castello Bonomi

? History of Italian Sparkling Wine

? Dosage Zero

? "Bollicine" at the counter of the bar

? The terroir of Pinot Nero

? The TrentoDoc

To participate in the workshops, booking is compulsory by sending a request to info@it–

The workshops are led by:

Marco Sabellico, Curator of the "Vini d’Italia" Guide by Gambero Rosso

Gianni Fabrizio, Curator of the "Vini d’Italia" Guide by Gambero Rosso

Nicola Frasson, Responsible for the Veneto region for the "Vini d’Italia" Guide by Gambero Rosso

Fabio Giavedoni, working for Slow Food on "Guida ai Vitigni d’Italia" and "Slow Wine".

Free tasting tables with producers

In the glass, selections of TrentoDoc, Franciacorta, Oltrepò Pavese, Prosecco D.O.C.G. and D.O.C., Fior d’Arancio D.O.C.G., Durello D.O.C., "Bollicine" from native grapes of Italy. Red "Bollicine" with Lambrusco, lively Barbera and ? many more!


Industry experts and curators of the main wine guides will lead workshops on the main themes of Italian sparkling wine. In the presence of Marco Sabellico, Gianni Fabrizio, Nicola Frasson of Gambero Rosso and Fabio Giavedoni of Slow Wine. The program of the workshops is in the brochure attached.

To participate in the tastings, reservation is required (some are free, others are for a fee) by sending an email to info@it–

Opening hours

Sunday, 5th October 2014 – From 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Monday, 6th October 2014 – From 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Villa Braida, Mogliano Veneto (TV)

There will be also a small food area

Daily admission € 15

* For AIS, FISAR, Slow Food Members, reduction € 10

The program is available on the website

Under the Patronage

Ministry of Agricultural and Forest Policies

Province of Treviso

Veneto Region