Given the drama of the moment, the last survey held last week was extended to non-associated wine shops to allow us to present a real photograph of the situation of the retail trade in quality wine. The survey involved 105 Italian wine bars and shows the serious implications that the crisis has brought.
The interviews show that 22% of the wine bars have decided to remain closed and 25% to remain closed but to make home deliveries. The remaining 53% who finally decided to remain open and to make home deliveries, shows how the wine bars have become at this time of uncertainty of the reference points for the territory for the supply of basic necessities such as water, pasta and other foodstuffs. "We, like Vinarius, immediately advised the members who had permission to do so given the decree, to remain open with a view to carrying out a service to the community as food outlets, thus helping to avoid excessive inflows and gatherings in the commercial points of the GDO ” , says the president of the Andrea Terraneo Association. The Association has set itself as a reference point for members since the beginning of the crisis, also advising wine shops to activate and encourage home delivery service and, through a mapping of member companies, has prepared a list of open wine bars that can be downloaded from the site of the same association. "I must sincerely thank the many associates who have followed these indications and have worked for these services to the public" concludes President Terraneo.
Despite the efforts and availability of the operators in the sector, the overall picture shows a heavy drop in the general turnover which fluctuates on average between 50 and 80% as regards the wine bars that are carrying out the activity. Taking note of this serious difficulty that the sector is experiencing together with many others, in early April the Vinarius Association decided to sign a letter addressed to the Minister of Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli not so much to ask for massive economic aid, but to ask the invitation to participate in the consultation tables that the Ministry will set up to give way to the country's economic activities. By making available new ideas, new energies, new motivations and skills - reads the letter addressed to Senator Patuanelli - the Association proposes itself as interlocutor to make an effective contribution of ideas for the reconstruction of the national economy.