First of all, I would like to thank the MEDIOBANCA Research Center which places Bottega SpA on the fourth step of the podium of the major Italian producers for economic-financial and efficiency indicators (2021), a sign that our company creates value for the sector, for the territory, for the country and clearly for shareholders and collaborators.

The end of the year 2023 is unfortunately a very complicated period for our sector of excellent Italian wines. However, this has not stopped us at all: our turnover as of 09/30/2023 stands at 65 million euros, with an increase of 8.1% compared to the same period in 2022; and this is undoubtedly thanks to the incessant success enjoyed by premium sparkling wines, wines such as Amarone and Brunello, and fruit-based liqueurs and creams, both in Italy and internationally . Furthermore, although the war between Israel and Hamas in Palestine unfortunately broke out on 7 October, our forecasts today tell us that we should close the year 2023 with a turnover of around 90 million euros, and an Ebitda of 8.5 % approximately.>> This was declared by Sandro Bottega , owner of the company of the same name in Bibano (Treviso), one of the main producers of Italian wine and spirits.

<< Exports are undoubtedly the driving force, which for us represents over 80% of all our products. The countries we focus on most are high-consumption countries with economic capacity such as the USA, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan and Switzerland. In addition to these, India and Greater China are growing again (countries where we have been present for over 30 years), areas on which we are focusing a lot as they see young consumers who are now approaching the world of quality wine, especially if made in Italy. – continues Sandro Bottega - Between wines, grappas, gins and liqueurs we produce 20 million bottles , of which around 5 million are those of Prosecco (equal to 25%), the iconic wine par excellence of our cellar, available in various formats and different thousandths.>>

FIRST IMPRESSIONS FROM THE 2023 GRAPE HARVEST : The harvest in the various cellars of the Bottega SpA group concluded on Thursday 12 October in Valpolicella. < . – continues Sandro Bottega, owner of the company of the same name in Bibano (Treviso) With additional effort we selected the grapes during the harvesting phase. In the cellar you will also have to work with extreme care, taking into account the different conditions of the grapes. With these measures we are certain that we will keep our quality standards unchanged. Our vineyards in Valpolicella, together with those of most of the denomination, were spared from the most intense rainfall and overall the trend of the vintage suggests that medium-high quality wines will be obtained. Finally, in Tuscany, climatic events have penalized a part of the territory in a patchy manner. Our Tuscan vineyards have not particularly suffered, therefore wines of the usual quality standard are expected.>> concludes Sandro Bottega , owner of the company of the same name in Bibano (Treviso) among the main producers of Italian wine and spirits, and creator of the "Prosecco Bar ". With over 1.5 million customers worldwide, the "Prosecco Bars" are true "embassies" of Italian cuisine, Prosecco and Italian wines, and are also driving tourism towards the Prosecco Hills.

"Prosecco Bar" is a concept created by Bottega with the aim of enhancing the excellence of our country and gratifying the palate of the typical consumer, which generates an important additional turnover to that of Bottega SpA. Specifically, the philosophy of the Venetian bacaro is proposed, that is, an informal tavern, where the food is presented both as " cicheti" , i.e. appetizers to be consumed at the counter, and as more structured dishes to be served at the tables. The combination with Prosecco, favored for its versatility, and with other Italian wines closes the circle and helps make every moment, short or long, spent in a bacaro, a unique experience that enriches the spirit and refreshes the soul. Bottega Prosecco Bar is therefore an evolution of this philosophy which, extrapolated from the Venetian reality, is reproducible all over the world. The cornerstone of the project is the "Perfect Match", i.e. the ideal combination between the typical foods of Italian regional cuisines and the different wines offered by Bottega.

Bottega is a brand known by at least 1 billion people , given its presence in 67 airlines and over 250 airports around the world. Bottega has conducted numerous campaigns to promote Prosecco and Italian sparkling wine around the world, demonstrating that the production cost of our national sparkling wine can go well beyond that of Champagne.

Bottega SpA

The Bottega company, led by Sandro Bottega, is both a winery and a distillery. Founded in 1977 by Aldo Bottega with the name Distilleria Bottega, the company is based in Bibano di Godega (TV), 50 km north of Venice, where it produces grappa, wines and liqueurs aimed at a high and medium level target high. Among the grappas, marketed under the Alexander and Bottega brands, the prized single-variety selections and the spirits matured in barrique stand out. The range of Bottega wines includes Prosecco, including the well-known Bottega Gold, and other sparkling wines with great personality. In the two detached cellars, in Valpolicella and Montalcino, Amarone, Ripasso, Brunello di Montalcino and other great reds are produced. The Bottega offer is completed by the Creams & Liquors line, which includes a wide range of fruit and cream liqueurs, including Limoncino, Gianduia, Pistachio. The company, which distributes its products in 150 countries around the world, has achieved over 300 international quality awards and recognitions over the years.
