Fattoria di Poggiopiano - Galardi

Via dei Bassi, 13 - Loc Girone
50061 Fiesole (Firenze)
"GALARDI" Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Italian Oil

Fattoria di Poggiopiano


Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Tuscany – Florence hills (Fiesole)


Frantoio (60%), Moraiolo (30%), Leccino (10%)

Collection system:

With facilitators and vibrator of the trunk, in the month of November.

Milling system:

Hammer crusher.

Extraction method:

The pressing takes place within 24 hours from harvest, cold, with Decanter 2 steps in a continuous cycle.


Grassy, of fresh olive, with typical hints of artichoke, in youth; round and mellow in maturity.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Excellent raw with salads, meats, vegetables and legumes boiled but also to give taste and flavour to sauces and pasta dishes. Due to the intensity of this oil, small amounts are enough to add aroma and flavour to dishes.


In glass: cruet of 0.25 l, bottles of 0.10 l, 0.50 l. and 0.75 l; canned: 1 l – 3 l – 5 l.

Additional Information:

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is certified by ICEA (Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification), ensuring that the product complies with the requirements of the Organic Statement (Reg. CE 834/07 and CE 889/08) and NOP (National Organic Programme), mandatory for the export to the USA.

2013 Harvest:
> Diploma of Honourable Mention at the Montiferru National Award 2014, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Oristano, in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce.
> 3rd place in the medium fruity category, on the occasion of the 15th Extra Virgin Olive Oils National Competition, organized by Enohobby Club dei Colli Malatestiani.

2012 Harvest:

> 1st place out of the Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Organic Farming at the 20th Montiferru National Competition organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Oristano, in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce and the Italian region of Sardinia.

> 2nd place in the intensely fruity category, on the occasion of the 14th Organic Extra Virgin Oils National Competition, organized by the Enohobby Club dei Colli Malatestiani of Gradara (PU)

> Diploma of Honour with "Punzone d’Argento" Award at the 10th International Competition organized by AIPO (Olive Growers Interregional Association)

> Diploma of Honourable Mention on the occasion of the "Il Magnifico" Competition organized by "Il Magnifico Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards" in Tavernelle V.P. (FI) in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and the Tuscany Region.

> Included in the "Oli d’Italia 2013 – I migliori extravergine" Guide by Gambero Rosso and Unaprol.

2011 Harvest:

> 3rd place in the lightly fruity category, on the occasion of the 13th Organic Extra Virgin Oils National Competition, organized by Enohobby Club dei Colli Malatestiani

2010 Harvest:

> Diploma of Honourable Mention in the lightly fruity category, on the occasion of the 12th Organic Extra Virgin Oils National Competition, organized by Enohobby Club dei Colli Malatestiani.

> 2nd ranked in the XV edition of the "Olio d’Oro Toscano" Competition organized by TVL

> Diploma of Honour with "Punzone d’Argento" Award in the 8th "Aipo d’Argento" Oil Competition 2011